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The Vampire Kings Slave Mate

Chapter 19
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Chapter 19: Nikolai

I’ve been waiting on the foyer for what feels like ten minutes now and I can feel my patience warring

then. I am not use to anyone making me wait. Just as I feel I am about to explode with anger, I hear the

pitter patter of small feet, but I am not greeted with Mary’s scent, instead I am overwhelmed with the

smell of roses after the first spring rain shower.

“King Nikolai,” greets Kade’s blood slave, bowing at the wait,”

I tried to race through my brain to recall her name. Nevaeh, that’s it. That’s what Mary and Kade had

called her.

“Nevaeh,” I responded, trying to hold my temper at bay, “What is the meaning of this, where is Mary?”

Nevaeh starts to shift from one foot to the other, as she picks at her hand nervously, “Umm.. Miss Mary,

has told me to inform his highness…”

“Hurry out with it girl.” I growled, my patience on it’s last straw.

“Miss Mary has decided that she is not going.” Nevaeh rattled out nervously.

“Not going!” I growled, my aura swirling around, “WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!”

“I apologize for giving you such bad news your grace,” Nevaeh said bowing once more, baring her neck

to me in submission, “Mary seems to think a trip to the village would put her in immediate danger.”

I willed myself to calm down, I needed to get to the bottom of this, and only one person would have the

entire answer to my question. I took three big breaths, a human trait I had learned over the years of

studying them, before attempting to speak with Nevaeh again.

“Nevaeh, take one of the guards down to the village with you, and please get a weeks worth of casual

wear and formal wear for Mary, she is a size 8.”

“Ye...yes your majesty,” Nevaeh stammered, slowly turning and walking away.

I realized I had terrified the poor girl, and that wasn’t my intention. I wanted the blood slaves to have a

healthy amount of fear towards me, but I also wanted them to trust me with their well being. “And

Nevaeh,” I called, making the girl come to a halt before she slowly turned around.

“Yes, your majesty.” She asked her voice almost a whisper.

“Get yourself something nice to, Kade likes red.” I respond with a wicked smile on my face.

Nevaeh’s face flushes red, and I know Kade has already bedded her, he loves to drink from his slaves

while fucking them.

“Thank you, your highness.” Nevaeh finally chokes out, before turning and hurrying out of the room

before I can stop her again.

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Now to deal with my vixen of a blood slave. She was to damn stubborn and head strong for her own

good. I stood up from my seat in the foyer and thought of the Queen’s quarters, feeling my body travel

through the dimension before arriving in the room.

Mary was laying on the bed, her face towards the wall, her breathing heavy. She looked so peaceful

while she slept. I felt my heart tugging in my chest and I wanted nothing more than to watch her sleep. I

find myself walking quietly across the room, so as not to disturb her, and sitting gently on the bed. I’d let

her have this moment of peaceful relaxation, she must be exhausted from the events yesterday and

earlier today, but when she awoke, she’d have my wrath at her rejection to deal with.


I woke up feeling rested and relaxed, but that feeling quickly left when I felt a presence in the bed beside

me. Had Nevaeh decided to come back and sneak a nap in after advising Nikolai I wouldn’t be meeting

with him. I slowly turned towards the presence, not wanting to alert whoever it was that I was awake. I

felt an arm firmly grip my waist as I turned and felt a sparkle of tingles run over my body. It was Nikolai,

he’d come for me, he was the presence in the bed beside me. “Shit.” I mumbled under my breath, how

was I suppose to avoid him, when he could come and go in my room as he pleased. I slowly tried to

wiggle free, hoping he was in a deep sleep and I’d be able to make my escape.

“If you keep wiggling like that you’ll have more than my anger at you disobeying me to deal with.” Nikolai

said his voice rough from sleep.

I could feel something hard poking my backside and I realized what Nikolai was suggesting. “Don’t be

crude.” I snarled, detangling myself from him and quickly crawling off the bed.

“Where are you going?” He growled out at me.

“Not that it matters to you, but I would rather be left alone.” I hissed at him, turning to walk towards the


He was in front of me, his arms around my waist, before I took a step towards the door. “Tell me Moi

Aparoleshbé, will I have to fuck the obedience into you,” He growled in my ear.

I felt a shiver run down my spine at his words, my body becoming enticed by his words, betraying my

thoughts. I tried to tug out of his grasp, he held onto me tighter, pinning me to his body.

“Why won’t you just give in to temptation,” He whispered, his hot breath on my neck, giving me


“I’m not sure how the females you’ve been around like to be woo’ed but this surely can’t be it.” I

responded, sneering at him.

“Trust me,” Nikolai said, pulling away, finally letting me out of his grasps, “I’ve never had any complaints

from the females.”

I felt my body sting with jealous, why was I feeling like this. I didn’t care who Nikolai slept with, he could

do whatever and whoever he damn well pleased, as long as it wasn’t me. I took a step back away from

Nikolai, his aroma was enticing and it distracted me from my anger towards him. “Why did you

mark me?” I ask crossing my arms and glaring at him.

“Mark you?” Nikolai asked giving me a look of confusion, before he sneered at me, his words that came

next had the obvious intent to hurt me, “Why would I mark a pathetic human?”

He succeeded, his words did hurt, but I wouldn’t let someone like Nikolai, a disgusting supernatural who

had no care for anyone in the world besides himself, determine my worth. I steeled my emotions, not

allowing the hurt to show of my face.

“Whatever you think of me, still doesn’t change the fact that you marked me.” I said glaring at him,

shifting my long red hair off to the side, to expose the mark he’d left me.

He snorted, “That my dear disobedient slave is just a fang mark, usually I heal them right away, but since

we were interrupted this morning, I forgot.”

My face flushed red as I recalled this morning, how was it possible that not even six hours ago, I was

encompassed with passion by this beast, but now the very sight of him disgusted me? “Your scent is

laced with mine, can’t you smell it?” I asked pushing further, trying to find out if maybe Nevaeh was


“Of course you smell like me.” He hissed, showing his annoyance at this conversation, “We’ve drank

each other’s blood, we’ve laid together, you’re mine.” He hissed out. “You should smell like me.”

“I am not yours!” I screamed out at him. I was sick and tired of being pushed around, I was tired of these

barbarians doing what they pleased with me, because I was human.

Nikolai stalked towards me, his eyes flickering from red to cerulean. I backed away from him, knowing

this time I had pushed him to far. My back pressed up against the wall, and I held my breath, waiting for

Nikolai to strike, praying that this wasn’t how I died. Nikolai slammed down his hands on either side of

my head, the impact cracking bits of the wall. I looked down at my feet not wanting to meet the intensity

of his stare.

“Look at me,” He growled, his entire body shaking with rage.

I slowly raised my eyes to peer into his, they were no longer flickering between cerulean or red, they

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were now a pure blood red, his vampire side having taken over, causing my heart to skip a beat. “I… I’m

sorry King Nikolai.” I manage to get out, hoping an apology will calm him some.

“You are mine Mary, You’ll forever be mine, until I am done with you.” Nikolai hissed, his face sinking in

closer to mine.”

“I am yours Nikolai,” I whispered quietly, lifting my hands towards his face. I felt his beast purr with

satisfaction. “Can you give control back to Nikolai please?” I asked pleading with the beast. I watched

quietly as Nikolai’s eyes flickered between red to cerulean, until finally settling back to cerulean, causing

me to sigh with relief, my life no longer in imminent danger from an uncontrolled vampire.

“How?” Nikolai whispered. “How are you able to control my beast?” He questioned, starring at me as if

he’s trying to study me.

I didn’t respond back, feeling like his ouestion might be rhetorical I had no idea his vamnire side

I didn’t respond back, feeling like his question might be rhetorical. I had no idea his vampire side would

respond to me like that. It was the only option I had though, it was either try to survive or give in and be

mauled to death.

“Are you a witch?” Nikolai mumbled under his breath, “Have you cast a spell on me?”

I let out a dry humorless chuckle, snapping Nikolai out of his trance, “No, remember I am just a pathetic

human.” I said dryly, rolling my eyes

“That’s right.” Nikolai said backing away from me, clearing his throat, “Now what punishment would be

befitting a disobedient slave?” He asked, an evil smile plastered on his face.

I starred blankly at him masking my emotions. I would not let him break me.

“How about a week in the dungeons? I think that would break this attitude of yours.” He said tapping his

chin, “But maybe the dungeons would be too easy for you.” He started to pace back and forth in the

room, acting like he was contemplating something. “I know,” he said stopping right in front of me. “You’ll

be chained to me for a week. You will follow me everywhere I go, you will sleep when I sleep, you’ll eat

when I eat, you’ll learn quickly not to disobey me.”

My face betrayed my emotions, showing just how much his words effected me as a look of terror

appeared in my face.

“Yes.” He cackled, his evil grin growing bigger, “that’ll be the perfect punishment for you, my slave.”

***Hey all, I just wanted to update my schedule. From this week going forward, i’ll update The Vampire

King’s Slave Monday and Wednesday; i’ll update the Escort Tuesday and Thursday, and on Friday I’ll

update the unexpected duo, book #2 of tbe unexpected Luna. If i have freetine over the weekend I’ll post

updates as well. ***