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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 40
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Chapter 40

“-on your knees with your pretty little m outh wrapped around my c ock.”

I stayed quiet, my body tensing with such bloodlust I haven’t felt in a while. My blood pumped heatedly,

my anger mixing in with Noah’s but I quickly blocked him out to prevent myself from losing control.

Alpha Windril laughed, turning his back and put some distance

between us.

“Go on,”

he taunted.

“Be a good little sl ut and listen to your first order: shift.”

I didn’t move. I just stood still watching. Alpha Windril sighed, running a hand through his hair before

turning to look at where the other Alphas stood.

“It’s always the hardheaded ones. Oh well, if you don’t want to shift so be it. But there’s no way I’m

going easy on you.”

Again, I said nothing.

“Don’t worry, I won’t lay a hand on your pretty little face. I still have use for it.”

Come on, Williams. Hurry it up.

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“Challenge begin.”

The moment those words left him, Alpha Windril shifted into his large, brown wolf and dashed over to

me. His jaw snapped open, getting closer and closer to biting down on my arm but by the time he was

close enough to do it, I had him by the neck. My fingers curled around his throat, nails digging through

his fur and hardened skin. I felt warm drops of blood wet my fingers but I didn’t stop. He growled,

thrashing in my hold but my grip on his neck only tightened the more he did. My wolf snarled in fury. His

obscene, disgu sting comments echoing in my mind as I tried to control the amount of pressure I

applied around

his neck.

Tilting my head to the side, I couldn’t help but frown in disappointment.

“It would seem I ha te you less when you can’t talk.”

Throwing him to the side, he rolled over before getting up on his paws. He shook his head, trying to get

rid of the wooziness making him dizzy. He snarled at me, angry at the fact I had seen his attack coming

and tried again. Truly, this was already beginning to look pat hetic. Alpha Windril jumped, claws ready

to puncture through my skin but he was too slow. I avoided him, lodging my knee deep into his body

and successfully broke three of his ribs. He howled, aggravated but hurting.

I could hear the Lunas and Betas chattering to themselves. The Alphas were watching in silence. They

knew it was best to watch carefully. Seeing Alphas in action was always an advantage. It’ll give you a

good image of who they were, what they were cable of and besides, you never know when they’ll

become your enemy.

It’s better to take notes and come prepared.

Having some kind of knowledge about their fighting style always helps.

Chapter 40

Alpha Windril limped up, starting to run at me again. All caution thrown to the wind the minute his

attention returned to me. His was completely reckless all for the sake of his pride. He didn’t think before

attacking. He was the fight-now-think-later kind of guy. If, that is, he ever thinks things through.

I didn’t wait for him to run for me this time. I dashed to his side, grabbing hold of the fur on his head in

one hand before taking my other to his torso with a fist. I felt his bone crack under my hand and smiled

in satisfaction. Reeling my hand back, I landed a hit above his stomach, effectively making him bend

over in pain. Once he arched his body down, I kneed him in the stomach before pulling the fur of his

head up. I angled his neck toward me.

Letting out a snarl of my own, my canines descended: and hovered that I could easily tear out his

throat. He whined, unable to free hi how much I wanted his blood.

ar his neck. A sign

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lf. It was irritating

Letting him go, I watched as he coughed out, shifting back to his human form completely na ked. He

clutched onto his stomach, eyes screwed s hut in pain.

“I-I submit.”

He groaned out.

So he wouldn’t even fight to his death for his pack?

I saw Cade in the corner of my eyes fume in anger. Glaring at his father in pure contempt as his fists

balled up, he clenched his jaw. He just watched his spineless father give up the pack. I sighed, walking

to the cowering form of Alpha Windril on the ground. I bent over, grabbing hold of his hair and dragged

him to the center of the challenge grounds. Holding him by the scruff, I yanked him up until he was

kneeling. His hazy eyes looked at me in confusion. Blood bubbled down the edge of his lips.

“Looks like the only one kneeling between the two of us, is you.”

I whispered into his ear. Then, ever so slowly, I tightened my hold. I gripped tighter and tighter until he

started choking. No one said a word. Thick tension came over us.

“W-what are you- d-d-oing? I submitted.”

Alpha Windril choked out, hands frantically grasping at my arm holding his neck smiled at his feeble

attempts and leaned down to his ear.

“Didn’t you know? A challenge is a deathmatch.”