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Tame Me My Brother -in-Law

Chapter 11
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TMe My Brother -in-Law Chapter 11 CELINE'S POV “What happened to you, Celine?” As soon as | walked inside the ward, | could clearly make out my mother’s concerned voice. My entire body was trembling, and | was sweating tremendously as a result of my nervousness. | was glad Sebastian Anderson didn’t follow me.

| made an effort to put on a fake smile in the hopes that it would dissuade her from becoming worried about me. “Nothing, mom...” | responded while anting heavily. “I had the impression that it was appropriate to use the stairs.

| had no idea I could get that worn out in such a short amount of time.” “There are many elevators to use, Celine. Why did you decide to use the stairs?” mom asked, the worried expression that was plastered on her face changed into confusion.

“To... exercise. Yes! | just want to exercise my legs and warm up my body. It's too cold outside...” | hope she will buy my reasoning.

11:06 Sun, 8 Oct D Chapter 11 Craving For 98% And because she appeared to be convinced, she didn’t pursue the matter any further. | let out a breath of relief as | turned around and set the grocery bag down on the table and assisted her in sitting up straight.

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2/8 “Celine... | want to breathe sclean and fresh air. Could you givea hand getting outside?” mom askedand | froze, hesitating for a moment.

What if I'll encounter Sebastian again? However, | couldn’t take down my mom's request. It’s only the first tthat she had askedthis. But please... don’t letsee that man again.

“Of course, mom. Let's go...” Before leaving the room, | wrapped a heavy coat around my mother’s shoulder and assisted her in standing up. We then went ahead and left, walking past Martha's empty bed. Perhaps she was in the basement watching on the big screen of the television.

We took the elevator down to the garden, and the entire t| was crossing my fingers that | wouldn't even catch a glimpse of my sister's boyfriend. If | did, | knew | couldn’t escape from him this time.

Chapter 11 Craving For The pounding of my feet was no match for the pounding of my heart as we approached the dreary garden. It has pine trees everywhere but it was all covered with snow. It’s a nice day... | think to myself. | hoped the season 3/8 changed soon. | just can’t contain my excitement about the upcoming spring.

The spring where lovely flowers starting to bloom... new seedlings sprout of the ground... and hibernating animals awake. Can't wait to see green grasses and smell fragrant flowers.

“When are we going home, Celine?” Mom suddenly asked which yankedout of my daydreams and broughtback to the present. “It's suffocating inside the hospital. | want to go home...” “We won't go huntil you're healthy again, mom.” | told her as | assisted her in sitting down on one of the concrete benches in the garden.

“You're aware that there's no cure for my illness_You're just wasting both your tand money on me.” she stated, shaking her head. “What will you do after | pass away? Ask your dad with money again? | don’t want you to do Chapter 11 Craving For 4/8 that, Celine. We have no one but each other, so please... takeback hand just save your money.” Her words hithard. But | can’t stand by and watch her suffer and die without doing anything. In addition to that, | am making every effort to lengthen her life. | even sold my heart and soul because | wanted her to be next toall the time. | have no one else but her. And I'll die if she dies.

| heaved a sigh as | reached out and took her hand in mine, cupping it in my fist. “Mom, you're right. We have no one but each other that’s why I'm fighting for you... I'm doing everything to—" “Hey there, bitch...” | frowned when we were interrupted by someone whose voice was very familiar and when | turned around, a pair of piercing brown orbs were glaring at me, and to say that the person in front ofwas angry would be an understatement. Brylee was shaking with rage and the way she clenched her fists seemed like she was going to kill me.

“Brylee...” As | rose up to confront her, | clenched my teeth and gave her a stern look. When my mother looked at my twin sister, | caught a glimpse out 11:06 Sun, 8 Oct NO.

Chapter 11 Craving for of the corner of my eye that revealed her eyes lighting up with excitement.

5/8 But the fact that Brylee didn’t even glance at the woman who had given birth to her made it quite clear tothat she wasn’t here for our mother, and my heart ached for her.

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“What are you doing here?” | inquired while fixing my gaze into her eyes.

“I'm here for Sebastian...” she hissed.

I knew it! Instantaneously, my focus shifted to my mother, who appeared perplexed looking at us. | took Brylee by the arm right away, and we cto a stop in a place where our mother couldn't hear our conversation.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” | rasped. Panic and anger engulfed me.

“Why are you even here? What else do you want from me?” | spoke through gritted teeth, my fists shaking as | balled them on my sides.

98% Chapter 11 Craving For “I was looking for Seb when | saw you here. Don’t be too impressed with yourself; I'm not here for either you or your mother!” She laughed it off. | felt relieved seeing her calm for a moment.

“Is that so?” | huffed. “Then you can leave now.” 6/8 “Wait—" she tried to grab my arm but stopped midway when she realized that she was going to touch the beggar’s hand. “What did you do to Sebastian?” she asked. “He doesn’t want to touchsince the night you seduced him!” My mouth hung open as | stared at her in disbelief. “Seduce him? You asked forto do it! And what does it have to do withif he doesn’t want to touch you?” “The scent...” she whispered. “He's looking for that scent...” | caught a glimpse of my mother approaching us as she got up from the bench she had been sitting in. “It’s tfor you to leave, Brylee...” 98% Chapter 11 Craving For “No!” she yelled, then a sly smile crept on her lips when she noticed mom.

7/8 coming towards us. “Why? You didn’t tell her what you did, huh? Do you wantto help you in telling her what happened? How you seduced the man I'm going to marry?” “Don’t you dare, Brylee...” | groaned.

“Then stay away from my fiance!” she roared on my face.

| gave her a curious look while crossing my arms across my chest and | arched my brow. “It’s not my fault that he’s craving for the woman he had slept that night with a scent of vanilla and strawberry!” Her voice went up a notch as she said, “What did you say?” “| said... he’s craving for me. He's craving for my scent!” The expression of disbelief on her face prompted a chuckle from me, but I didn’t want to stop there. She's starting to get into my nerves. “He's craving for my body!” Chapter 11 Craving For And then she hit me, her palm making impact with my jaw.