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My Alpha’s Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 9
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9. The River YILEYNA “She wins, right?” Charlene’s tired yet happy voice came, snapping us both out of our trance.

“We’re taking a break.” Theon’s cold reply came, turning away swiftly as he walked off down towards the

water. My heart was thumping as the moment played out. “OMGeeeeee!” Charlene hissed, grabbing my

arm, her eyes wide as she stared at me. I blinked, trying to focus on what was happening. “What?” I

whispered. “You two had a moment.” She hissed, her eyes alight with excitement.

My cheeks burned and I rolled my eyes.

“We didn’t, I bit his ear.” I pouted.

“Umm Leyna… Do you think you could have gotten that close without him noticing? He was far too

distracted by you and that growl… it sounded more possessive and one of approval than an angry one.

Ok, she had officially lost her mind. I rolled my eyes again, shaking my head.

“Stop rolling your eyes before they vanish into the back of your head!” She hissed. Yeah, then I’ll be wolf

less and eye less… I shook my head trying to focus. “Ok, I think you really hit your head harder than I

initially thought. Charl, you have no idea what you’re going on about. Trust me, Theon dislikes me…”

“Well, not once did he knock you on your ass, instead he kept pulling you into his arms or holding you

when fighting you, I want that.” She whined with a pout, making me giggle as she stomped her foot.

“Ah, my beautiful queen, how can I make it up to you? Shall we head back and make him panic? “I

suggested, slyly wiggling my eyebrow at her. Her eyes widened before a sly smile crossed her face.

“Ooo, let’s hide instead!.” She affirmed, grabbing my hand as she pulled me away from the rocky edge.

I glanced over my shoulder to see Theon running his fingers through his hair, his back to us as he gazed

out at the water, and then he disappeared from view as Charlene tugged me away. “This is totally on him

if we get lost.” She groaned. “I feel awful all over.” “You know we still have more training and I swear he’s

going to torture us for this when he finds us.” I whispered, stumbling on some loose rocks and glancing

down at the water that hit the rocks.

The water was a lot harsher here, crashing against the walls of the rocks as if venting its anger. I frowned

watching the dark colours, it was interesting how narrow River Rosewyvern was, and so different from

the waters of the Mighty Gulf just around the corner…

Enraged, dark… almost bitter, “Yileyna?”

I blinked, dragging my eyes from the water to see Charlene point to what looked like a large


“We can hide down there, and the water will disguise our scents.”

“I don’t know… That’s too close to the waters…” “It’s not night yet, darling.” Charlene rebutted, linking

arms with me as she tugged me onwards. I glanced back towards the angry water trying to look into its

depth, but the darkness was far too deep

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The sun was shining, it was ok right? The stories of avoiding the dark waters that Mom used to tell me

hummed in my mind and I shook my head

Ok, I guess I needed to stop being paranoid. Pushing my thoughts aside, I followed Charlene down the

path, grabbing hold of her arm when she stumbled.

“I’m fine.” She smiled up at me.

“I don’t want anything to happen to you.” I murmured, glancing at the water again. “Relax, my beautiful

angel.” Charlene replied, almost as if she was trying to soothe me. We reached our destination and

hopped onto the rock that jutted out of the water, then

crouched behind it. “Now we wait for Theon to track us” She giggled. I smiled, amused, as I leaned back

against the damp surface of the rock. “You know he’s going to be pissed…” I murmured, reaching over

and placing her head on my shoulder.

She smiled and nodded.

“Of course, it’s payback for beating me black and blue. Honestly, when I thought of Theon training me, I

was imagining something a little more like what went down between you two… all up in each other’s

personal space…” I frowned, no longer able to focus on her voice. There was another sound…

something alluring… Coming from somewhere, a soft song maybe? Music? My eyes were fixed on the

water ahead, it was still raging roughly, a few broken logs and branches were riding the waves, and the

way the wood splintered against the rocky cliffs on the other side told me it was indeed rough.

Charlene was still talking as I felt a pull towards the waters. I leaned forward about to reach for it,

wanting to feel it against my fingertips, when I was pulled back.

“Yileyna!” Charlene looked startled as she started at me in concern. “What are you.”

A splash in the water made both of us turn, and to my utter horror, I saw deep red hair floating just

beneath the surface, before it emerged from the water. My heart thundered as I stared at the thing before


One I had only heard of in stories… I knew they were here… I knew they were forever close… but never

did I think I’d see one so clearly in broad daylight.

Her skin was smooth, a soft violet sheen seemed to glow from it. The water clung to her like sparkling

gems and her eyes…a mix of purples and silvers, rimmed with long thick lashes. She was terrifyingly

beautiful, and when she smiled, her teeth were sharp like razors, giving away that she was indeed a


Her eyes were fixed on Charlene as she licked her plump lips. Her breasts were bare, with just a thin

woven piece of seaweed squeezing them together covering her nipples, and I didn’t need to look down to

prove that I was looking at none other than a siren. Her tail, that shimmered in hues of deep purple that

looked almost black, was behind her, and when she launched herself at us, a scream left my lips as I

pushed Charlene behind me.

Her long claws slashed into me, and I hissed in pain.

“Charl, run!” I shouted as the siren grabbed my leg, a soft song began to leave her lips and I saw

Charlene’s eyes become hooded. “No! No Charlene!” Reaching over, I managed to slap her across the

face, knocking some sense into her. I needed to shut this siren up before she did more damage.

“Theon’s coming!” She whimpered.

Thank the goddess for mind link! Charlene lashed out, but the siren was winning. Charlene grabbed my

arms, trying to keep me from being dragged into the depths of the water. “Just let go!”


The Siren suddenly grabbed onto her, her long nails digging into her arm, dragging her into the water.

“Yileyna!” My heart skipped a beat at the sound of Theon’s voice. It was the last words I heard before I

was pulled under, and the ethereal song filled my ears once again. Was Charlene ok? I couldn’t see her;

my only consolation was that Theon was coming for her. I struggled against the iron grip of the siren

but… Was it worth it? The pain… the agony… the loss of my parents… This felt… My eyes fluttered as I

stared into the beautiful eyes of the siren. Goddess… she was gorgeous… Welcoming…

But this wasn’t right…

The enchanting song continued, but it wasn’t having the effect she wanted on me… I could see that… It

came to an abrupt end, and I didn’t feel as confused anymore.

“Come to me, my love.” She whispered seductively, despite the confusion within her eyes.

The haze seemed to have lifted, and when her arms snaked around me, yanking me against her, alarm

bells were going off in my head. The moment her cold lips touched mine, I suddenly felt as if my body

was weighing down, but then, she was ripped away from me.

Blood tainted the water and I saw her head torn from her body, my eyes blurry as I looked at the man

before me. Her body fizzled away into foam, and then it was just… gone. The powerful waves hit me,

and I felt myself being pulled deeper. A strong arm wrapped around my waist, and I looked into the

handsome face of my saviour.


He swam upwards and soon we broke the surface.

“Fuck.” He cursed, pulling me onto the rocky ground, his hand checking my pulse, the other brushing my

hair back. 1

Charlene? Where was Charlene…

“… bleeding…” I couldn’t understand him until I felt my corset belt being torn off and my shirt being lifted

up “Charl…ene.” I croaked, coughing up water, my lungs heaving as they sucked in the air that I direly


He tensed, before he pulled back and jumped back into the water. I rolled over onto my side, hissing at

the pain in my left hip. I pulled my top up, staring at the claw marks embedded deep into my skin. When

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did she manage to hurt me there?

Charlene’s gasp made me look to the water to see Theon, with Charlene in his arms.

To my relief she looked unharmed as he placed her on the rocks next to me, his eyes on me. My heart

thundered, seeing the anger clear in his, involuntarily I found myself moving back,

almost ready for his wrath to be unleashed.

“You almost died.” He hissed, glaring at me.

His anger was obviously directed at me, and it made sense…. I should have taken better care of


“I… We didn’t think something like this would happen.” I whispered.

“It’s not her-”

“I am not talking to you.” Theon cut in dangerously, raising his finger at her in warning. His gaze was

fixed on me. “Do you really want to die? Because if that’s your wish, I wouldn’t mind fulfilling it.” His

words cut me deeply and I frowned. “It was daytime, I didn’t think that there would be a Siren out here.”

“Also, she said not to! I was the one who was behind this!” Charlene intervened; her eyes

filled with guilt as she stared at my hip.

“Well, congratulations princess, your spoiled behaviour and petty quims almost cost you your friend.” He

stood up, whipping his hair off his forehead as he glanced back at the water. “Let’s head back, we will

continue with training tomorrow.”

I gripped the side of the rock, struggling to my feet as Charlene did the same. She was exhausted, I

could see it from her face even when she grabbed my arm, wrapping it around her neck to support me.

Theon glanced back at us as we began walking, pain shooting up my hip and waist. Fuck I wish I had my

wolf so I could heal faster. He stopped, looking at me with anger simmering in his eyes. Boy, if looks

could kill…

He turned, yanking me away from Charlene’s hold, making me wince in pain at the rough tug. I gripped

my hip as I bumped into his hard chest, almost tumbling back, but his arm snaked around my waist,

keeping me against him before he scooped me up bridal style, not even bothering to look at me as he

adjusted me in his arms and continued walking. My heart fluttered, very aware of his hand that was on

the side of my breast, the other hooked under my knees. I snaked an arm around his neck gingerly,

looking at Charlene over his shoulder. She was grinning widely and gave me the thumbs up. I wasn’t

sure if she sensed the anger that was radiating off him and the tension that was clear in his taut muscles.

Would I have to thank him for saving me again? I guess I should be humble and thank him, this silence

was becoming too much. “Theon, I…” His burning gaze fell on me, and my stomach twisted when I saw

the gold hue that had overtaken his usual amber eyes, making all words die on my lips.

He wasn’t just angry… he was absolutely fuming. My stomach sank as he turned his gaze back on the

rock path, something told me this was not over…