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My Alpha’s Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 149
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My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance Chapter 149 59. Epilogue Part 1 YILEYNA. Nine Months Later... 1 Seven months had passed, and | lived for Theon's letters. Inhis absence, | put my head down, focusing on the changes | wanted to see in the kingdom.

1 even found tto visit Deliana down in the sea.

She had been happy, now | often went for a swim in siren form with her A lot had changed.

Hunter and Charlene had a beautiful baby boy, who they named Nathanial Gray Carson, after Nathalia and Grayson.

It was the perfect nfor him.

He was an adorable little boy, with brown hair and big soft green eyes.

To my absolute delight, Charlene spent a few weeks here when he was a month old, and | loved their company.

Enjoying the chance to shower my nephew with lots and lots of love and gifts.

| didn't want to give him back, but | had to.

Oh, he was adorable! 1 | wrote to Charlene almost as often as Theon, although the messages were so much lighter thanthe longing and pain | tried to hide in the ones to my beloved.

Thea and Raiden were engaged.

They would wed in a year or so, | had a feeling they were waiting for Theon's return.

Everyone tried to makefeel better.

Though | hid my emotions, they knew | missed him, and in turn, they tried not to talk about him, soas not to upset me.

As for Ryan, much to everyone's surprise, he and Ariella were in a relationship.

It wasn't the standard type of relationship, but they were both happy.

Although she no longer worked at the White Dove, she still had her harem in the sea.

Ryan made it clear he should be the only man in her life, but he didn't care forthe fish in her life.

It was an insult to mermen but she had simply laughed and agreed.

Lately, | was seeing her more and more on land, to the point they even purchased a place togethernear the coast where she lived with him, with the water not so far from her.

They were getting serious, and despite everyone being quite shocked, | was happy about their union.

Unlike me, who was a tri-form shifter, she was a pure siren, but they were perfectfor one another despite being two entirely different species, who were not mated.

| just secretly prayed Ryan never made her angry with his unconventional remarks at times.1 Everything with the kingdoms around Astalion was going well, and lhad even received letters from beyond the neighbouring kingdoms.

Invitations to weddings and gifts to congratulateon my new position as Queen.

The only thing missing was Theon, and although | visited the cabin often, keeping it clean, he was missed.

The cabin on the left had been on sale, and | had purchased it for more land.

I even had a wall built around the entire garden and began planting flowers in my free time.

I had set up a little pond in the now much larger garden.

| hoped one day we could make this cabin larger, where we could cand spend the weekends withour children someday.

| miss you, Theon.

Chsoon? Today was just another day, | was currently in my office working.

| had spent the morning in court handling affairs of the kingdom, before I spent an hour signing documents and legislations for certain building projects thatwere to be started soon.

Ah, | was tired! | sat back in my chair, looking out at the leaves that were swirling around in the air.

Summer had cand gone, now autumn had arrived, yet there was still no sign of Theon's return.

Nine months had passed since he had left.

His letters still came, accompanied by gifts.

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There was always something different from where he had visited, from jewellery to clothes, or an ornament.

Things | treasured and placed in our cabin, but | still wanted him here.

That would be the greatest gift | could ever ask or hope for.

| left my office and returned to my quarters, smiling politely at those who greeted orbowed toin the halls.

| went to our bedroom and, sitting on my bed, | opened my bedside drawer.

| took out the pile of letters and the last gift he had sent me; a pair of earrings from the village of Frindor.

| smiled faintly as | looked at the beautiful silver earrings set, with an array of jewels in aqua blues and greens withspurple.

They were intricate and beyond beautiful.

| often heard of Theon's endeavours from those who visited, or from other Alphas.

True to his word, he helped in every village he went to.

Not only to make sure things were in place, but physically helping around the town.

He would usually send a request written personally with what he thought the village could use, alongside a private letter toalone.

| would then send my reply, the supplies, and anything he needed.

Before he would have a final letter sent back to me, tellingwhere he was headed next.

Over the months, hearing him talk, | could feel it was helping him.

The mentions of not deserving me, or how he must do more, beclesser.

| could tell his anticipation to return was growing and | too wished for him to be here.

| picked up his last letter, my heart clenching as | ran my hand down the paper.

He had touched this...

"Dear Storm, | love you and | miss you.

Days in Frindor went by well, and I've now moved on.

To think in nine months | have travelled the kingdom, is something that I'm proud of.

At every stop, as always, people wished to know when | was to return to my Queen, or when we would have heirs.

It's odd, and as much as | refused to accept the title of King, it's all I'm called these days, unless | am extra firm that Alphais fine.

Being called king is a word that | only yearn to hear from your lips.’ | smiled.

Of course, no matter what he thought, he was already king the day he led the army into Westerfell and to victory.

| placed the letter against my lips, kissing it softly as I closed my eyes, inhaling it.

| miss you, my love... | fought back the tears and paid attention to the letter once more.

'Hunter is demanding a playmate for Nathanial too, last | heard from him anyway.

I met him and he was cute.

I will admit that, but as | said, | want stfor just you and me...

Congratulations on the opening of your school for the kids in the orphanage in Westerfell.

And as for your question regarding how many women tried to seduce me...

Not many, and | assure you none got within a foot of me.

Rest assured, this man belongs to you and only you.

| saw these earrings; they remindedof you.

I hope you like them; | don't really have much taste in jewellery.

Row you miss me, and | promise | will return soon, and when | do, | want to make youmine.

I will try you, Little Storm, | promise... let's have a small wedding, just us, family, and friends.

Maybe by the sea so your siren family can be there too! Will you wrur a white dress or something different? | think of you,like always, before | sleep.

You fill my dreams and | often find myself imagining hinking you in every way possible.


Love Yours forever - Theon Alexander.’ | lay down slowly, clutching the letter to my chest | want that, | want to wear a dress you love, Theon.

| want to marry you and promise myself to you forever...

| had even purchased him a ring with a chain so he could wear it around hisneck, so he wouldn't lose it when he shifted.

| just want you back...

| don't know when | fell asleep, the tears silently streaming down my cheeks.

His letters brought happiness, vet with them cthe wave of strong emptiness that he was nothere with me...

"Yileyna, hurry up!" Thea scolded as she finished playing with my hair.

I looked in the mirror.

| still got dressed up, as Queen | had an image to keep, but really, | think thiswas not necessary.

She and Raiden had invitedto dinner at a special place, and so she wanteto dress up just as she was.

| was wearing a low-cut organza embroidered dress.

Thewas a violet colour with the underneath layer a pretty aqua blue, giving it a two-toned effect.

There was a ribbon drawstring corset around the waist and the dress fell to my knees.

My hair was up in a low bun, with two braids down the side and a few strands of my hair framingmy face.

The only jewellery | wore were the beautiful earrings Theon had sent this tand the engagement ring.

Oh how I missed him.

"Ok ok, I'm coming." | stood up, slipping on my sandals and hurrying after her.

Raiden was dressed smartly too, and he was smiling when he saw the both of us offering Thea a hand.

"So it's a little walk, but let's get going." He said, kissing Thea softly.

"Where's this picnic?" | asked, thinking neither was holding anything.

"The omegas have set it up, it's a beautiful spot that Theon discovered actually, when he did a search of the city before thecoronation, and thought it would make a rather beautiful haven." "He really didn't leave even a stone unturned." | mused, looking up at the night sky as we walked through the streets of Westerfell.

"No, he didn't, we all await the return of the king." Raiden said quietly.

| nodded and Thea sighed softly as we carried on walking.

People stopped to greet us, complimenting Thea and me.

Asking how | was and, of course, about their king.

"When is King Theon returning, My Queen?" An elderly woman asked seriously.

"I am not sure yet. We can hope soon." | replied, smiling gracefully.

"Ah yes... we want our king back so the city is complete." | nodded and | gazed at thesky.

See Theon? This city needs you home.

They acknowledge you for the king you are, not for your past deeds that feel like years ago... Chome, my love.

We kept walking, leaving the people behind.

"Those earrings are so pretty. Another gift from Theon?" Thea asked.

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| nodded, feeling a bit guilty.

He had sent Thea a few items alongside mine, but | felt bad that they were farless than the letters and gifts to me... He spoiled me.

"They are beautiful. Don't worry, | don't feel jealous. You are his queen, I'm just his sister who is now mated." Thea grinned as she kissed Raiden’s hand, which was intertwined with hers." Raiden giveplenty." They exchanged a moment, and | smiled watching them.

They were perfect for each other.

The ground becrockier as we continued on foot in silence.

Raiden led the way and soon we were stumbling along steep cliffs, and then going down.

This was away from the coast where Charlene and | used to play.

Finally, we slowed down at the rocky arch that held a pair of doors, and | could seea wall surrounding this area.

Many new places have been built around Westerfell, this one is not one | had paid attention to before.

Well, it's not like I caround this side often.

"What is this place?" | asked as Raiden pushed the doors open slowly.

They creaked open to reveal the dim glow from ahead.

"Oh, it's pretty! Let's keep going. Is the picnic further ahead, baby?" Thea asked Raiden.

"Yeah, straight through." He murmured, pulling her close.

They began kissing, and | walked ahead, giving them a moment alone as | looked around the empty rocky land that was sealed awaybehind these doors.

| could see an archway ahead and | carried on walking, spotting the glimmer of light from somewhere further on.

| walked through the next archway, feeling compelled to keep going.

Three identical archways later, | cto a halt as | gazed at the scene before me: A pool with redrose petals and candles in the water.

At the edge of the water was a tray of wine, a bouquet of red roses, and a platter of chocolates andfruit.

There were trees around the side of the rocky wall that surrounded this place, and with the night skyabove, it was like a magical little world.

My eyes snapped to the large four-poster bed that was covered with just organza curtains, right ahead past the pool.

It was breathtakingly beautiful, whichever omegas had planned this, they had indeed outdone themselves.

| spotted a table to the side with two chairs, platters of food covered, simmering on a grill in the middle.

Oh no, | think this was meant to be for Thea and Raiden.

The Omegas must have misunderstood! Well, | need to somehow make an excuse and leave! | couldn't intrude on their romantic evening.

| turned, ready to leave, when | thought | smelt something intoxicating... something familiar...

My heart pounded as | spun around, scanning the area.

Nothing | shook my head, turning away.

How stupid.

Of course, he wasn't here...

| started to walk back the way | came, when | heard footsteps behind me.

"Leaving so soon?" The seductive deep voice that remindedof a winter's night in front of the hearth came.

| froze in my tracks, my heart racing so fast | could barely breathe as | stared ahead, unableto move for a few seconds until | felt him behind me.

His scent hitlike an avalanche.

His arms wrapped aroundfrom behind, sending electrifying jolts of pleasure through me.

And then reality hit.

He was here.

Goddess, he was here.