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Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted by Eleven Jewell

Chapter 25
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Chapter 25

Keegan was looking down from the window of his office on the twelfth floor when Aldor knocked on the

door. “Is she gone?” Keegan turned his head and asked when he saw him coming in. Aldor nodded. “Did

she say anything?” he asked again. Aldor hesitated, not knowing what to say. Keegan shot him a glance

and said, “Well? Don’t dilly–dally. Tell me, did she say anything?”

Aldor swallowed and said in a low voice, “Mrs. Kane asked me to apologize for not rinsing the beef liver

earlier.” Keegan froze. Although Stella actually did clean the liver before cooking it, she purposely told

Aldor that to get back at Keegan for not keeping his promise.

Her mood improved when she thought of how disgusted Keegan would be for eating the “unwashed”

liver she had prepared. ‘He probably wants to down some bleach right now,‘ she said to herself.

However, her happiness did not last long, as joy turned into sadness when her Uber was rear–ended

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from behind.

Stella was a little scared of driving after being rear–ended on the overpass last time. So, she had been

calling Uber rides recently. But, she did not expect to get into a car crash again while riding an Uber.

However, the accident was not too serious, and insurance would cover it after they lodged a report.

But, the other party did not have a good attitude. He started to throw his hands as soon as he got out of

the car. At the same time, the Uber driver did not back down and fought back. What was originally to be

handled on the road by the traffic police quickly escalated to the police station.

Stella was also brought to the station as a witness of the incident. She truthfully explained what she saw

and proved that the other party was the one who made the first move, while the Uber driver fought back

out of self–defense after taking multiple punches.

Stella finished signing the report and came out of the police station. Felicity was having an off day from

work. She rang Stella and told her to get home earlier because she had something important to tell her.

Stella hung up the phone and called an Uber. It was rush hour and people were getting off work, so it

would take a long time before someone accepted her request. She lowered her head, wondering if there

was any public transportation that would bring her to the area of her apartment. Suddenly, someone

grabbed her hair from behind and slapped her with a purse.

“You bitch! What did you tell the police?!” A woman’s voice was heard. Stella wanted to elbow the

woman as her head hurt from the hair pull. However, she stopped when she saw that the woman had a

big belly. Instead, she just held her wrists and said in a deep voice, “Let go!”

The woman was not afraid of her threat. She continued to pull her hair from behind and said, “You’re with

that Uber driver, aren’t you? You deliberately lied to the police and caused my husband to get arrested!

He had just been promoted to be a director, but it’s all ruined now! How could you be such a vicious

person, you bitch?!”

Stella did not understand why the woman was being so unreasonable. However, she did not dare push

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her since she was pregnant. Thus, she only gritted her teeth and said, “Didn’t you see what your

husband did when you were in the car with him? If you didn’t want this to happen, you should have

advised him not to start a fight. With his level of road rage, you should be thankful that it was just a

scratch. Otherwise, it could have been your life.”

“Shut up!” The woman shouted, obviously irritated by her words. She raised her purse and wanted to hit

Stella in the head. Stella closed her eyes and thought, ‘What an unlucky day to have met such a lunatic.‘

However, the expected blow did not happen. A familiar male voice sounded above her head, “I think it’s

still considered illegal to hit someone even when you’re pregnant. So, let go.”

“This is none of your business. Who the fuck are you?”

Marshall chuckled and said, “A citizen who is brave enough to do what is right.” The woman felt a sharp

pain in her wrists after she heard him say that and let go of Stella’s hand.

Marshall grabbed Stella’s shoulders and gently pulled her behind him. “Are you alright?” He asked.