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Married To My Ex-Husband’s Rival by Jobet GraySon

Chapter 1
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Chapter One

Amber's POV.

It was already 10 p.m., and Kayden had still not gotten back from work, causingto worry. | tried to call him

several times, but he wasn’t picking up his calls, which madevery worried. He never took this long to pick up

my calls, and whenever he had to stay out late, he would always informbeforehand.

I'm not one to overthink, but for sreason, | had a bad feeling that something wasn’t right, and it made me

restless. | made up my mind to head to his office. After driving for about half an hour, my black sedan car finally

cto a halt in front of my husband's company.

| walked into the company and noticed that there weren't that many people around, but | had expected it since it

was already past 10 p.m., and most of the employees would have gone hby this time, except the security


I arrived in front of his office and slowly turned the doorknob, just in case Kayden was busy in his office and

didn’t want to be interrupted.

“Ahh. Harder, baby. Keep poundingright there!” | heard it as soon as | turned the door open halfway.

| froze on the spot, not wanting to believe that what | was hearing was real. | sharply inhaled and exhaled,

pushing the door open further so that | could confirm whether or not | was really just hearing things or if what |

thought was happening was happening.

| finally gathered the courage to push the door open completely, and my eyes grew ten times wider when | was

met with the familiar faces of both my husband and my younger sister, having sex on his office table.

They didn’t even notice that | had walked in on them because they were too engrossed in having sex and

moaning like two crazed people.

“Kayden, Marlene,” | managed to call out.

Kayden and Marlene halted and turned their heads when they noticed someone had walked in on them. Kayden

had a surprised look on his face, as he wasn’t expectingto suddenly show up, but as for Marlene, she had a

nonchalant look on her face, almost as though she had been waiting forto finally find out.

“Amber,” Kayden stuttered, pulling himself out of Marlene, who let out a soft moan.

“What's going on here, Kayden? “Why are you and my sister in your damn office?” | asked, saying the first words

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that cto mind.

“I...I don’t know what to tell you, Amber, but | hope you understand,” Kayden responded, causingto furrow

my brows in confusion.

“W...what did you just say?” | asked, hoping | heard wrong. | was trying not to stutter, but | was too furious to

help myself.

“Exactly what you heard, Amber. | know you're hurt right now, but this is something that you were bound to find

out about sooner or later. It’s high tyou know that Kayden and | love each other, and we hope you'll

understand,” Marlene chimed in, not bothering to pretend to be sympathetic towards me, her sister.

| wanted to say something, but nothing was coming to mind, and I just stood there, replaying Marlene’s words

over and over again in my head.

“Letdo the talking, babe,” Kayden whispered to Marlene.

“What exactly do you want to say to me, Kayden? What explanation can you givefor something so obvious?”

| questioned, raising my voice a little more than | intended to.

“I know nothing | say will make you feel any better, but | need to be honest with you. Our marriage, Amber,

wasn’t supposed to happen, and you know it. | forced myself into this marriage even though I loved someone

else—your sister. We've been together for a while now,” Kayden confessed, his words like a dagger to my heart.

The urge to cry overwhelmed me, but | fought back the tears. “So, you're tellingthat all this twe've been

married, you and my sister have been together behind my back? Is that it, Kayden?” | asked, my voice shaking

with emotion.

“It's the truth, Amber. As painful as it is, your marriage withwas never real. My heart has always been with

Marlene. | hope you can understand that,” Kayden replied, his words like a final blow.

“I hope you two rot in hell,” I muttered shakily before turning to leave. But Kayden'’s last words madepause


“I hope you find your happiness,” he said, a feeble attempt at consolation. Enraged, | ripped off one of my heels

and hurled it at him with all my strength.

“Damn you!” | screamed furiously, storming out of the office and slamming the door behind me.

With only one leg of my heels, | walked back to my car and let out the tears | had been holding.


Three Months Later...

“I am at peace, I'm happy, I'm alive. I'm... I'm...” | paused.

“You're what, Amber? Keep going,” Alison Jones, my close friend and therapist, encouraged. We'd been in her

office for over half an hour, and | couldn't seem to finish that sentence past “I'm alive.”

Therapy had beca lifeline forin the last few weeks since my divorce from Kayden was finalized. Alison

was the only person | could confide in.

“I get what you're trying to achieve, Ali, but | can’t fake positivity right now,” | admitted honestly, and she


“Can you tellexactly what comes to mind when you think of your sister?” she asked, her gaze piercing.

“I hate her,” | replied after a few moments of contemplation.

“Care to explain why?” she inquired, and | scowled.

“Why should that even be a question? | hate her because she betrayedby sleeping with my husband,” |


Alison sighed. “I need you to be very honest with me, Amber. Do you only hate her for the affair and betrayal, or

is there something deeper fueling your anger?”

“I don’t think any other reasons matter. It’s all because of what she did with my husband,” | snapped, not

wanting to delve into unnecessary details.

“Letask you this, Amber, and be honest. Before the affair, has your sister ever done anything that made you

almost hate her?” Alison probed.

| sighed. “We're sisters, Alison. Of course, she did things that upset me, but I never hated her for it. We fought

like siblings do,” I replied.

“That wasn’t the answer to my question. Has there been a twhen you truly resented or almost hated your

sister for something she said or did to you?” Alison pressed, and | hesitated.

“Marlene and | grew up together. Two years after my mother died, my dad suddenly brought her mother into our

lives. They got married, and Marlene was born a few months later. We did everything together, but as we grew

up, things changed. We stopped talking as much, and her attitude towardshifted. She madefeel like |

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was to blfor my mom's death and said hurtful things about my appearance. | chose to ignore it because |

loved her,” | admitted, my voice wavering.

“Okay, Amber, | hear you. There's something | found out today, and | want to share it with you before you hear it

elsewhere. It might be a shock, so stay calm,” Alison said, leavingbewildered.

“What are you talking about, Ali? What's this news?” | asked, eager to know.

“You've been off social media, right?” she inquired.

“Yes, | deactivated my accounts, but what does that have to do with anything?” I replied.

“Take a look at this,” she handedher phone, and | glanced at the screen. The first thing | saw was a picture

of Kayden and Marlene.

‘Billionaire and business mogul, Kayden Black, set to wed Marlene Grey this Saturday.”

A surge of anger, disappointment, and embarrassment washed over me. Tears welled up, but I also felt an

overwhelming desire to confront them.

“Can you believe this, Ali? It's only been a month since my divorce from that bastard, and they're already getting

married,” | exclaimed, my voice trembling and my eyes fixed on their picture.

“I understand you're upset, but please try to calm down,” Alison advised.

“Don’t tellwhat to do, Ali!” | snapped, my anger misplaced.

“Do you realize how painful it is that they didn’t even consideronce and acted like | never existed?” | said,

my voice filled with pain. Alison sighed.

“So what will you do, Amber? Your anger is justified, but will it change anything?” she asked, and | chuckled


“I won't let them get away with this betrayal. | won't sit quietly while they have their happily ever after,” |

vowed, my determination unwavering.

“Thank you for trying to help, Ali, but my anger and pain won't subside until | see Marlene and Kayden pay for

makinga fool,” | declared, getting up to leave, but she stopped me.

“Don’t let them have so much power over you,” she urged.

“They already do, Ali, but not for long,” I replied, gently removing her hand and leaving her office.